Financial Freedom With Real Estate: Start Making Money Today Because Everyone Else Is

By Michael Steven


"Helpful ideas and practical suggestions for anybody trying to better their financial situation, whether they are a recent graduate looking to diversify their investment portfolio or a retiree worried about their retirement savings."

"Unlock the Secret to Financial Freedom with Real Estate: A Guide for Everyone"

Real estate investing may be a great way to diversify your portfolio and build a passive income stream, and Michael Steven’s book, Financial Freedom with Real Estate, offers a detailed guide for anybody interested in doing so. The book’s basic style makes it useful for both seasoned traders and those just starting out.


In this short but informative piece, the author explains why investing in real estate is a better, more secure, and less complicated method to amass money. He presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to get started investing in real estate even if you don’t have millions of dollars to spare.

The book provides a number of helpful resources for real estate investors, such as a checklist for selecting a property and a set of six important formulae for making money. In addition, the author explains how the lease agreement, which is often overlooked by real estate investors but may result in better and more consistent profits, actually works.

One of the book’s most notable aspects is its focus on how rental income from real estate may help you replace your wage and lessen your reliance on a 9 to 5 job. Today, since the COVID-19 epidemic has brought into sharp relief the expendability of employees during times of crisis, this is more important than ever.

Stats show that 64 percent of Americans won’t have enough money to retire at 60, thus the author also discusses the need of retirement savings planning. This book lays out a plan for how to get out of debt and find satisfying work so that you may live the life you want to live

Writing Style

Style-wise, Financial Freedom through Real Estate is well-written and interesting throughout. This is a really engaging book since the author utilises stories and anecdotes from real life to illustrate his arguments. The book is easy to navigate because it is broken down into distinct sections with descriptive chapter headings.

Who Should Read This Book?

As in, who is the intended reader of this book? This book is perfect for anybody interested in real estate investing as a means to raise their standard of living and amass money. It’s great for anyone who are interested in investing in real estate but don’t know where to start and would want a plain and easy-to-understand guide. This book is full with helpful ideas and practical suggestions for anybody trying to better their financial situation, whether they are a recent graduate looking to diversify their investment portfolio or a retiree worried about their retirement savings.


Financial Freedom with Real Estate is a great book for people who want to learn more about how to become financially independent through real estate investment. The author gives you a full rundown on how to get started, along with actionable tactics and resources. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, this book will provide you with the knowledge and guidance you need to succeed.

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