New Friend True Friend

By Ruth Y. Nott


"Dive into the delightful world of "New Friend True Friend," where children learn the profound values of trust, kindness, and the irreplaceable joy of friendship through the adventures of Dominic Dragon and Jason. A story that resonates with children and adults alike, fostering connections across generations. "

A Heartfelt Journey into Friendship

Genre -

Plot Review

“New Friend True Friend” by Ruth Y. Nott is a heartwarming tale that navigates the intricacies of friendship through the enchanting encounter between Jason, a young boy, and Dominic, a dragon. This narrative explores the essence of making new friends, the hurdles of feeling betrayed, and the joy of discovering true companionship. The plot is thoughtfully crafted to address the challenges children face when encountering new environments and the importance of keeping promises. Nott masterfully intertwines these themes with a storyline that captivates the imagination of its readers, making it more than just a story—it’s a journey into the heart of what it means to find a true friend.

Writing Style

Ruth Y. Nott’s writing style in “New Friend True Friend” is both enchanting and educational. Her use of rhyming prose not only makes the story engaging for young readers but also aids in their linguistic development. Nott’s narrative technique is simple yet profound, making complex themes of trust and friendship accessible to children. The story’s flow is seamless, thanks to Nott’s skillful storytelling, which is complemented by Debbie Hefke’s vibrant illustrations. The combination of Nott’s lyrical writing and Hefke’s illustrations breathes life into the characters, making each page a visual and literary delight.

Potential Readers

“New Friend True Friend” is ideally suited for children aged 3 to 8, offering them a mirror to their experiences and a window into understanding others. It is particularly beneficial for children undergoing transitions, such as moving to a new school or city, as it addresses the emotional challenges associated with these changes. Parents, educators, and guardians will find this book a valuable tool in discussing themes of friendship, diversity, and empathy, making it a must-read for anyone looking to nurture these values in children.

Similar Books

If you’ve enjoyed “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister or “Winnie the Pooh” by A.A. Milne, you’re likely to find “New Friend True Friend” a delightful addition to your collection. These books, like Nott’s, explore friendship’s complexities and joys, making them perfect companions in the journey of teaching children about relationships. Readers who appreciate the lessons and adventures found in these classics will undoubtedly be enchanted by Jason and Dominic’s story.


“New Friend True Friend” is a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the importance of understanding and kindness. Ruth Y. Nott has crafted a story that not only entertains but also educates, making it a valuable addition to any child’s library. Through its engaging plot, expressive writing, and meaningful themes, this book stands out as a beacon of hope and friendship. It comes highly recommended for anyone looking to inspire a child with the beauty of forming true connections.

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