The Ancestor General Book Review

The Ancestor

By Lee Matthew Goldberg


"A captivating thriller carved out in the heart of unknown family ties between two strangers whose fate changes after a brief encounter in the wilderness of Alaska."

Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?


The Ancestor begins with Wyatt Barlow’s resurrection and battle with a wolf in a cave of Alaska. Lost in time, Wyatt is unable to recollect any of his memories of how he reached there. As he leaves the wilderness to find his strings to past, he meets Travis, who is not only his doppelganger but a descendant of his own lineage. While he tries to get along in a world that has changed beyond his imagination, his thirst for something leads him in the circle of drugs, prostitutes, murders and deceit. Love, family, faith and friendship every bond that binds two humans will be tested against the animal instincts we all try our best to hide.

Structure and Elements of the story

The Ancestor is a thriller novel with an intriguing plot and some fantasy elements that are beyond reason and the argument for the same are also not scientifically correct. But who cares? It is all a fiction. The story is weaved in Laner, Alaska in the 21st Century and bounces back and forth to 1898 when people used to leave family and friends in search of fortune in foreign lands. Ancient and local dialects, geographical and historical references and differences are researched and justified in their use in the novel. The most notable element is the ‘Human Nature’ itself, the selfish, greedy, jealous, infidel and treacherous flesh and blood can betray one of its own kind or its own blood when the time comes.

“Under the lake by Anvil Creek, a man has been frozen much like another man in the same wilderness had been frozen, in this area of Alaska where silence is the loudest sound.”

Story Development and Writing

Lee Matthew Goldberg has authored many novels and knows the art of storytelling. A complex plot with many characters, each with their own backstory can either get the reader interested or may put them off, if not narrated carefully. But, that is not the case with this novel. The story reveals each character’s struggle with their inner demon at a perfect pace and time in the novel which leads the story further towards the climax.

“She hates that she might’ve been more relieved to know that he had.”

Though I found the novel could have been less descriptive and the backstory and space of one or two characters could have been shorter as I skipped some pages to read the main story.


The Ancestor is an interesting thriller novel with an intriguing plot spanning over centuries. It is a well written novel and needs to be read with some time and patience to understand the narrative well. I recommend to all suspense/thriller lover who are looking for a rich and captivating novel.

Pro Book Reviews Rating

Story: 3.5

Structure & Elements: 3.5



Overall Rating: 3.5

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